On Vacation so Throttling the Blogging Way Back

I know you understand. Posts will be catch as catch can. I am considering open thread topics on an edifying subject so if you have suggestions for such threads please post in the comments below. Also, please pray for Elizabeth and me. I do not in any way exaggerate when I say there is no time when we have more needed prayer than now. Among many other things there have been: two graduations, a knee operation for Kendall, Elizabeth preparing to start a new job teaching at MUSC (starting July 1), and Kendall’s father having a shunt put in his brain. We need refreshment and rest. Many thanks–KSH.


Posted in * By Kendall, * Culture-Watch, Blogging & the Internet, Education, Harmon Family

One comment on “On Vacation so Throttling the Blogging Way Back

  1. SC blu cat lady says:

    Perhaps a visit to St. Christopher would be in order? That surely is a place of refreshment and rest. In the meantime, you all will be in our prayers.